Yesterday the Dublin office, the last office to bear the name Alliance Atlantis on its doors, closed for the last time.

Anyway, as I am an elf that's opposed to change, this makes me sad.
Somehow the fact that there were still staff (Al and Lisa) there seemed to take the edge off the pain. I know its just an office and just a company, that in the end didn't care about us. But it was so much more than that for me.
My university experience sucked hairy monkeys balls, and really that office and the mayhem and friendship that occurred behind its creaky, sticky brown doors replaced that magnificently. Except it was better as I was earning money!! :)
Anyway, thought I might post one or two of the shots from that era, now passed!
So long my old friend.

So sad. They were number 1 on my job hit list for when I moved home!
@Backpedalbrakes Really? Or are you pulling my little legs?
God the money i made bringing in "fresh meat" to that office. I got 1.5k for new hires over the 7yrs, you could have taken me to the 2k mark! :)
AAC, RIP. So sad! I'll never forget my visit to your beloved little office....
Yup, I'm dead serious, we very nearly almost did a deal with y'all in my last job and I got as far as dealing with some of your traffic people. They were so lovely I figured it had to be a good place to work.
@vils wow, I'm honoured that you read my blog, thanks for the comment. We enjoyed having you over to visit. Pity I never got to visit you and Sue when you were still in the same location.
@backpedalbrakes, that's just plain mad, I was in traffic in AA, who were you talking to? Cameron?? Pity you didn't get to work with us, it was a brilliant place!
Heh. It is a teeny tiny world. I dealt with Sadhbh and Anne if memory serves me.
@backpedalbrakes LOL, my partner in crime (Sadhbh) and our ever patient "minder" Anne. Both are featured in my photo homage!
That's just plain mad! You got to deal with two of the best anyway, no wonder you had a good impression, if it was Cameron and I you'd have run a mile! :)
Ah :(.
It's nice that you can look back on it with find memories. Not many people can say that about jobs they have had.
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